Tuesday 6 December 2022

First Post

Running three weekly campaigns at once while working full-time? What a terrible idea!

So anyway that's what I'll be doing in the upcoming months. December is looking busy but hopefully I'll have time to fix up the homebrew rules I'm thinking of using. Running two campaigns in parallel while working full-time in the past few months was mostly manageable, though there were a few stumbled here and there. Both campaigns ended quite well, well enough that one was fully and satisfactorily wrapped up (entirely due to good luck in the direction my players went and the power of "next week only" prep) while the other's players are sad I won't be starting a new chapter of the campaign next semester, so something must have gone right.

Semester? Well, the players are university students, so I'll have to work around their schedules and the semester-length (+ exam weeks eating up a few weeks). So that's another restriction.

I'll be working on the rulesets to be used for the campaigns that will start in January. In the meantime for the rest of this month, I've lined up ~4 or 5 one-shot sessions to get my gears spinning up again and to get the new players up to speed. First up this week is DCC's Sailors on the Starless Sea for one group and maybe a homebrew for the other, we'll see. Maybe I can start playtesting those rules as early as this week?

There's also a collab event between the RPG club here and some other outside group and I'll be helping with that. 5e stuff. Haven't had the best time running that ruleset, but we'll see. So expect some AAR's for these games at some point in the future. Or maybe not. Maybe I'll forget this blog exists once I hit publish.

I'll also detail some ideas and thought experiments and catalogue the design process for the homebrew. Maybe it'll be useful for readers? Maybe it'll be useless noise clogging up the internet tubes.

Okay that's it then, hopefully will post again when I have something to write about.

(also i gotta figure out how this blogspot thing works)

EDIT: oh no the formatting sucks, gonna work on it a bit

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